Meilus Muscular Therapy approaches pain from an engineering perspective first before applying conventional medical theory. Imagine your musculoskeletal system as a series of cables—i.e., muscles—working to operate a variety of levers—i.e., bones. When one of these cables shortens, the body's entire support system is affected producing pain in your joints, muscles and surrounding tissue. The muscle therapist is trained to study the human body from an engineer's perspective and recognize which cables operate which levers during normal physical activity. Armed with a thorough understanding of the interactions between healthy muscles and joints, the muscle therapist can diagnose and treat bodily malfunctions using basic physics rather than guesswork.
To alleviate back pain, it is often suggested that one strengthen his or her abdomen through sit-ups and leg-lifts; however, this may actually exacerbate the problem! Performing these exercises in excess actually over strengthens and tightens the body's front muscles, effectively charging the back to resist greater tension and endure more pain. Daily routine and social custom in Western societies produces the same results as excessive abdominal conditioning. Whether by driving, sitting in a cubicle, or playing golf, our social behaviors frequently leave us bent over at the waist, shorten our bodies' front musculature, and often produce excruciating pain in our backs. The key to relief is muscle lengthening; the most effective means to lengthen musculature is Muscular Therapy.
Our backs are pulled upon by cables from four sides, and most effective pain management regimens recognize and treat all four components. But what about the entire system, what about the entire body? It is quite possible and most likely that shortened muscles in other parts of the body have a restrictive, painful effect on the back as well. At Meilus Muscular Therapy, we ask for photos of the entire body from multiple angles as well as pictures of the patient in motion. This additional information allows us to determine a patient's total muscular health and spot problems contributing to and even causing the patient's primary complaint. For example, a patient suffering from low back pain might also have shortened musculature in one of his legs. This often produces a slower, asymmetric gait which in turn puts an unnecessary load on the body's back. The patient's back pain is resolved not by touching the back but by correcting the interrelated muscular problem in his leg.
Sciatica refers to a set of pain symptoms most commonly caused by the compression or irritation of the sciatic nerve. It is critical to note that legitimate manifestations of sciatica only occur along the path of the nerve itself. All too often, however, leg, back and buttocks pain is incorrectly interpreted as sciatica when the true culprit of discomfort is shortened musculature.
For example, pain traveling down the front of the leg may not be sciatica at all but rather a shortened quadriceps muscle or iliotibial (IT) band. Similarly, pain originating in the lower leg may be caused by shortened foot flexors, a condition which often leads to hammer toes, bunions, and even shin splints. Muscular Therapy lengthens these muscles and eliminates their pain.
Various range of motion tests can be performed to determine if your problem is truly sciatic in nature; however, victims of sciatica most often have MRI scans clearly showing the protrusion of a disc or vertebrae into the sciatic nerve. Muscular Therapy treats the shortened musculature attached to these dislocated discs and vertebrae thereby reducing the pressure they apply to the nerve and relieving the pain.
There is no cost for an initial evaluation. The cost of a Treatment or session is $160.00 The session duration is 1 1/2 to 2 hours.
An Aqua-Chi session is $40.00 and takes about 40 minutes.
VoxxLife products are priced by VoxxLife and can be found at
Our advertising budget is low to nonexistent because the results we offer seem too good to be true, but information on a treatment seemingly too good too be true is not the same as a broker's offer to double your money overnight; the treatment actually pays dividends without risk. Most referrals come from former and current patients whose opinions others value and trust
Treatment time depends upon the problem being addressed. Acute injuries are relatively quick to correct, one to two sessions. Chronic problems such as low back pain which occur in complex areas of the body may take more treatments.
Everyone has a different pain threshold. Some patients say the machine is soothing while others express discomfort. If discomfort persists, the robot can be adjusted to a more delicate setting while still achieving results. As treatment progresses and the muscle lengthens the level of discomfort usually decreases.
Muscular Therapy has been featured in national publications, on national television, and has graced the covers of such unlikely magazines as Vogue where it was praised as a noninvasive alternative to Botox for beauty applications. At you can read testimonials and watch videos of Therbo in action.
Our advertising budget is low to nonexistent because the results we offer seem too good to be true, but information on a treatment seemingly too good too be true is not the same as a broker's offer to double your money overnight; the treatment actually pays dividends without risk. Most referrals come from former and current patients whose opinions others value and trust.
The time interval between treatment and beneficial results depends upon numerous factors. Acute pain–that is, pain generally controlled by anti-inflammatory medications and muscle relaxants–is relatively quick to treat. Such discomfort is usually the result of an isolated injury or incident; however, pain caused by underlying disorders such as a muscular disease or repetitive physical task will have to be treated continuously, and its victim will need a robot to stay pain free.
Unlikely factors such as environmental changes can prompt pain and slow relief as well. The National Headache Foundation has established barometric pressure change as a trigger for headaches and migraines. In clinic, we have found statistically that barometric changes bring in headache, migraine, and low back patients with greater frequency.
Patient personality and demeanor also contribute to the speed of results. Stress, agitation, depression, and pessimism toward treatment all prolong obtainable results.
Muscular Therapy is an excellent complement to surgery. While surgery corrects mechanical faults in the body, our treatment addresses those soft tissue elements often neglected (i.e., shortened muscle, ligaments, and tendons).
Meilus Muscular Therapy is a noninvasive treatment which complements all other therapies and medicine making it suitable for all ages. Our youngest patient was 6 years old, Our oldest patient is currently 96. and we are eagerly waiting to break the 100 year barrier!
You may undergo treatment assured that Meilus Precision Therapy's equipment underwent evaluation and assessment by the University of South Florida's Engineering, Robotics and Medical departments as well as by their MBA program. All technologies employed by Muscular Therapy are protected by method patent, guaranteeing you the most cutting edge robotic treatment available. All claims relating to the effectiveness and results of Muscular Therapy had to be unquestionably proven.
You may undergo treatment assured that Meilus Muscular Therapy & Sports, Inc. is a critically reviewed corporation founded upon grants from the United States Department of Energy. As a prerequisite to receiving these funds, Meilus Muscular Therapy underwent evaluation and assessment by the University of South Florida's Engineering, Robotics and Medical departments as well as by their MBA program. All technologies employed by Muscular Therapy are protected by method patent, guaranteeing you the most cutting edge robotic treatment available. All claims relating to the effectiveness and results of Muscular Therapy had to be unquestionably proven in order to obtain continued federal funding.
Phone: 941-926-2622
Address: 5662 Swift Road, Sarasota, FL, USA