Golfer's Elbow, or Medial Epicondylitis responds very well to Therbo. The medial elbow, the center of the pain associated with Golfer's Elbow is where the Pronator Teres muscle attaches. Usually the person's Bicep is shortened. The Bicep is a powerful supinator and works in opposition to the Pronator Teres. The solution is to first lengthen the Bicep and then the Pronator Teres. I have helped numerous golfers as well as baseball players and other people with this problem.
One college softball pitcher had been dealing with medial elbow pain for a year. Her treatments had all focused on her medial elbow. After 3 sessions with Therbo, where we focused mainly on her Bicep, she was pain free. She has gone on to pitch 3 more years in college and continues to pitch professionally in Europe.