Is your Knee Pain limiting or bringing your activities to a halt?

Dave Wallwork • June 8, 2022

One of the knee problems I see the most is Patella Femoral Syndrome or Chondromalacia Patella, also known as Runner's Knee.

A High School Softball player came to see me with this very problem. She had been going to Physical Therapy for six weeks with no results. Her pain was still so bad she could not run. The PTs had her doing exercises to strengthen the Medial Quad to improve her Patellar tracking. She said this caused her more pain. I found her Lateral Quad was very tight as was her Hip Flexors. Therbo and I lengthened her Lateral Quads, her Hip Flexors, her Hamstrings and her Tibialis Anterior which was causing her foot to pronate (Flat Feet). Her pronated foot was contributing to the lateral tracking of her Patella. After all her muscles were lengthened she was able to do a 40 degree single leg squat with no pain. We went over a few other Closed Chain Exercises to improve her Strength and Balance in a pain free way.

She returned to Softball practice the next day and played the whole season without any limitations. So.........if knee pain is limiting your activities or just making it hard to walk up stairs give me a call, make an appointment and let's Get Rid of Your Pain and Back in the Game.....FAST!!!
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